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5 items + 22 items! The Ministry of Water Resources deploys key tasks for river and lake management this year

Release time:2024-08-27click:0
In order to implement the arrangements and arrangements of the Party Committee of the Ministry of Water Resources on promoting high-quality development of water conservancy in the new stage and the spirit of the 2023 National Water Conservancy Work Conference, and to do a solid job in the river and lake chief system and river and lake management work, the Ministry of Water Resources recently formulated and issued the "2023 River and Lake Development Plan". "Key Points of Management Work", which arranges and deploys the key points of river and lake management work in 2023, focusing on building and maintaining safe rivers and lakes, healthy rivers and lakes, beautiful rivers and lakes, and happy rivers and lakes.
The "Key Points of River and Lake Management in 2023" mainly focus on strengthening the river and lake chief system, strengthening water shoreline space management and control, strengthening river sand mining management, deepening the construction of smart rivers and lakes, and comprehensively strengthening the party 22 key tasks were proposed in five aspects of construction. Among them, in strengthening the management of river sand mining, the "Key Points of River and Lake Management Work in 2023" mentions the need to standardize and manage legal sand mining, establish and apply an electronic license system for river sand mining licenses, and fully implement electronic licenses for river sand mining licenses.
In deepening the construction of smart rivers and lakes, the "Key Points of River and Lake Management Work in 2023" mentioned that we should promote the informatization of river and lake background data, strengthen the application of technological achievements such as remote sensing, and optimize the national The river and lake long-term management information system is developed in three aspects, including combining the construction of digital twin rivers and lakes to promote the mapping of river and lake demarcation results, shoreline functional zoning, river-related construction projects, sand mining planning zoning and other information data, and realize river and lake The background data is basically a graph.
In addition, it also includes completing the verification of suspected remote sensing problem patterns interpreted in 2022, and cleaning up and rectifying confirmed violations of laws and regulations. Form a legal background database of feature maps, realize periodic interpretation and comparison of remote sensing data of rivers and lakes, strengthen the "closed-loop" dynamic management of remote sensing maps, and improve supervision efficiency; further improve the functional modules of the national river and lake long-term management information system to achieve The results of river and lake chiefs, river and lake health records, river and lake chief system assessment, river and lake management supervision and inspection, etc. can be filled in and displayed online to achieve one-level reporting and multi-level application. For details, see the full text below:
Key points of river and lake management work in 2023
The overall idea for river and lake management in 2023 is: adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and adhere to the principles of "water conservation first, spatial balance, systematic governance, "Working with both hands" on water control, fully implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important expositions on water control, fully implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council on strengthening the river and lake chief system, and coordinate water resources and water environment in accordance with the work arrangements of the 2023 National Water Conservancy Work Conference , water ecology, strengthen institutional mechanisms and legal management, and strictly control river and lake water areasShoreline space management and river sand mining management will deepen the normalization and standardization of rivers and lakes to "clean up and clean up all kinds of chaos", encourage river and lake chiefs and relevant departments at all levels to perform their duties, and strive to build and maintain safe rivers and lakes, healthy rivers and lakes, and beautiful rivers and lakes. , happy rivers and lakes.
 1. Strengthen the river and lake chief system
1. Strengthen the performance of duties. Highlight the responsibilities of the highest-level river and lake chiefs to lead graded and sub-level river and lake chiefs, consolidate the responsibilities of river and lake chiefs at all levels and relevant departments, and include ensuring river flood safety, reservoir risk removal and reinforcement, and operation management and protection into the river and lake chiefs system management system. We will improve the dynamic adjustment mechanism for river and lake chiefs and the complementary mechanism for the responsibilities of river and lake chiefs to ensure that responsibilities are not disjointed and tasks are uninterrupted in the "year of transition". Strengthen the organization, coordination, division, and supervision responsibilities of the River Chief Office, and promote each department to perform its duties and coordinate with each other. Guide all localities to continue to improve the river and lake inspection and management system and strengthen the management and protection of rural rivers and lakes.
2. Strengthen overall planning and coordination. Give full play to the role of the inter-ministerial joint meeting on the comprehensive implementation of the river and lake chief system, and strengthen the organizational leadership and overall coordination of the national river and lake chief system work. All river basin management agencies must give full play to the role of the provincial joint conference office of river and lake chiefs. Guide all provinces to establish and improve cross-provincial and intra-provincial cross-border river and lake management and protection coordination mechanisms, implement the "four unifications" requirements of river basins, deepen the joint prevention, joint control and joint governance mechanism of unified goals, coordinated tasks, connection of measures, and synchronized actions, and promote Solve major issues in watershed protection, governance and management.
3. Strengthen the supervision and inspection of the river and lake chief system. After approval according to the procedures, the Ministry of Water Resources will continue to organize and carry out supervision and inspections on "cleaning up the four chaos", river and lake management, river and lake directors performing their duties, and water shoreline utilization (including sand mining). Guide all localities to improve the river and lake long-term supervision and inspection system, carry out regular supervision and inspection, and track and supervise the rectification of problems.
4. Strengthen assessment, incentives and accountability. We will implement the State Council's supervision and incentive measures and continue to provide incentives to places where the system of river and lake chiefs has achieved remarkable results through hard work. All localities are required to strictly implement the river and lake chief assessment system. River and lake chiefs at the county level and above must organize assessments of the completion of goals and tasks of relevant departments and the next-level river and lake chiefs. River and lake chiefs must be assessed individually and strengthen the application of results. Play the role of “baton” in assessment.
5. Promote health assessment of rivers and lakes. Summarize the results of the pilot work on river and lake health assessment and promote the improvement of technical standards for river and lake health assessment. In 2023, the river and lake health assessment work will be fully launched, and a national river and lake health archive will be gradually established.
6. Advance luck in an orderly mannerFuhe Lake Construction. Supervise and guide relevant provinces to complete the tasks of the Happy River and Lake Construction Project supported by the Central Water Conservancy Development Fund in 2022. The Central Water Conservancy Development Fund will continue to support the implementation of the Happy River and Lake Construction Project. Establish and improve the evaluation index system for the effectiveness of the construction of happy rivers and lakes, and guide all localities to implement river and lake system governance, improve long-term management and protection mechanisms for rivers and lakes, and promote the economic and social development of river basins as the main content, and actively build happy rivers and lakes that satisfy the people. Guide and promote the high-quality development of national water conservancy scenic spots.
7. Strengthen publicity and training. Undertake the Central Organization Department's special class on strengthening the system of river and lake chiefs to train city and county-level river and lake chiefs. Publish typical cases of happy river and lake construction. Organize river and lake management training courses. Carry out practical activities with the theme of "Chasing Dreams of Happy Rivers and Lakes", collect outstanding short video works of "Guarding Happy Rivers and Lakes", and carry out activities to find the "most beautiful hometown river".
 2. Strengthen water shoreline space management
8. Sort out the national list of rivers and lakes and improve the scope of river and lake management Demarcation results. Comprehensively complete the map of the delimitation results of the management scope of rivers and lakes within the first national water conservancy census, accelerate the demarcation and map of the management scope of rivers and lakes with management tasks outside the water conservancy census, and organize the work on the demarcation results and the map Conduct random inspections and reviews, and promptly urge rectifications for those that do not meet the requirements.
9. Strengthen shoreline planning constraints. Promote localities to speed up the preparation and approval of river and lake shoreline protection and utilization plans, basically complete the approval and issuance of the provincial-level river and lake shoreline protection and utilization plans, and promote the municipal and county-level river and lake shoreline protection and planning preparation and approval to make significant progress.
10. Strict water and shoreline space control. Strengthen guidance and policy publicity, implement the "Guiding Opinions of the Ministry of Water Resources on Strengthening the Spatial Management and Control of Coastlines of Rivers and Lakes", standardize the approval of construction plans and related activities within the scope of river management in accordance with the law, strengthen in-process and post-event supervision, and prevent unforeseen events. Approval precedes construction, ultra vires approval, and construction approval is inconsistent.
11. Deeply promote the normalization and standardization of "cleaning up the four chaos". Combine special rectification actions with daily supervision, focus on cleaning up and rectifying outstanding problems that impede river flood flow, guide and urge local governments to further consolidate the responsibilities of river and lake leaders, continue to clean up and rectify the "four chaos" problems in rivers and lakes, resolutely curb the increase, clean up We will extend the cleanup and improvement work to small and medium-sized rivers, rural rivers and lakes.
12. Increase efforts to rectify major problems. Guide and urge local governments to respond to the issues reflected in the ecological warning films of the Yangtze River Economic Belt and the Yellow River Basin, and the centralWe will rectify the problems pointed out by inspections, problems discovered by the central environmental protection inspectors, and major illegal and river-related problems of public concern.
 3. Strengthen river sand mining management
 13. Tighten and compact sand mining management responsibilities. The four persons responsible for the management of sand mining in sensitive waters in key river sections were announced: the river chief, the competent department, on-site supervision and administrative law enforcement. The persons responsible for the management of sand mining in the Yangtze River were simultaneously announced, and all localities were urged to strictly implement their sand mining management responsibilities.
14. Standardize and manage legal sand mining. An electronic license system for river sand mining licenses will be built and applied, and electronic licenses for river sand mining licenses will be fully implemented. Work with transportation and other departments to fully implement the management sheet system for river sand and gravel mining and transportation, and strengthen supervision of the entire process of river sand and gravel mining, transportation, and storage. Rivers with sand mining tasks have basically achieved full coverage of sand mining planning. Encourage and support large-scale unified mining, permit sand mining in accordance with the law based on planning, strengthen supervision during and after the process, standardize the use of dredged sand in rivers, and coordinate the management and protection of rivers and the utilization of sand and gravel resources.
15. Strictly crack down on illegal sand mining. Guide local and river basin management agencies to strengthen daily inspections and supervision and law enforcement crackdowns, use information technology to promote smart supervision, improve the ability to detect illegal sand mining, seriously investigate and deal with illegal sand mining, and cooperate with relevant departments to severely crack down on "sand tyrants" and the "protective umbrella" behind them "We have always maintained a high-pressure crackdown on illegal sand mining and consolidated the results of the special rectification of illegal sand mining in rivers.
16. Strengthen the management of sand mining in large rivers. Deepen the cooperation mechanism for the management of sand mining in the Yangtze River between the Ministry of Water Resources, the Ministry of Public Security, and the Ministry of Transport, conduct joint inspections, promote cooperation at the grassroots level, and strictly prevent the rebound of illegal sand mining. Further standardize the management of sand mining in rivers directly managed by river basin management agencies. Guide river basin management agencies to carry out special rectification of illegal sand mining based on actual conditions, promote the improvement of long-term mechanisms, and effectively maintain the management order of river sand mining.
17. Promote sand mining management legislation. Accelerate the revision of the "Regulations on the Management of Sand Mining in the Yangtze River", initiate the revision of the "Implementation Measures for the Regulations on the Management of Sand Mining in the Yangtze River", and actively promote the legislative process of the Regulations on the Management of Sand Mining in the Yangtze River.
 Four. Deepen the construction of smart rivers and lakes
 18. Promote the informatization of river and lake background data. Combined with the construction of digital twin rivers and lakes, we will promote the mapping of river and lake demarcation results, shoreline functional zoning, river-related construction projects, sand mining planning zoning and other information data to achieve a basic map of river and lake background data.
19. Strengthen the application of remote sensing and other technological achievements. Complete the inspection of suspected remote sensing problem patterns interpreted in 2022, and clean up and rectify the confirmed violations of laws and regulations. Form a legal background database of feature maps, realize periodic interpretation and comparison of remote sensing data on rivers and lakes, strengthen the "closed-loop" dynamic management of remote sensing maps, and improve supervision efficiency.
20. Optimize the national river and lake chief management information system. Further improve the functional modules of the national river and lake chief system management information system to realize online reporting and display of results such as river and lake chief management, river and lake health records, river and lake chief system assessment, river and lake management supervision and inspection, etc., to achieve one-level reporting and multi-level application .
 Fifth, comprehensively strengthen party building
 21. Strengthen political leadership. In-depth study and implementation of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important expositions on water control, and strive to improve political judgment, political understanding, and political execution. A sense of mission, responsibility and urgency in lake management work. Strictly implement the system of intra-party political life, request for instructions and reports on major matters, further strengthen the "four consciousnesses", strengthen the "four self-confidences", and achieve "two safeguards".
22. Continuously improve your style. We must adhere to the people-centered development philosophy, conscientiously implement the spirit of the Central Committee's eight regulations and their implementation rules, strengthen our sense of purpose, adhere to a problem-oriented approach, conduct in-depth investigations and studies, and conscientiously respond to social concerns. Comprehensively implement the responsibility system for building party style and clean government, adhere to "one post, dual responsibilities", and continue to achieve deep integration of party building and business work. Strengthen the construction of grassroots river and lake management teams, strengthen coordination among departments and units, continuously improve the ability and level of river and lake management, and promote high-quality development of water conservancy in the new stage.
Original title: Notice from the General Office of the Ministry of Water Resources on the issuance of key points for river and lake management work in 2023

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